Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) is categorized under the Terrorist group by the highest authorized body in Ethiopia, the House of Representative. In the last Nine months TPLF militia has made massacres on innocent people in North Gonder in Maikadra, North Wello in Kobo and Mersa and in Afar region too. In Afar over 107 children were part of the TPLF Massacre. All these have not yet got proper international attention. Rather, the current Biden Administration of the US Government, the UN Humanitarian office, Amnesty International and some western media are not reflecting the TPLF’s crimes. However, contrary to the fact, these western media and the current US Government are busy criticizing the legally elected Ethiopian Government.
Now it is more than enough. The Ethiopian Government and the International Humanitarian Organizations need to establish a special investigation committee to investigate the TPLF massacre in Amhara and Afar regions. This is an international call to be a voice for the voiceless. The massacred people's blood is screaming and needs an immediate judge.
No matter how some western countries including the current US Government are showing their unfair judgement and illegal approach to the TPLF move, the situation on the ground is changing. That means Ethiopian National Defence Force is in a good capacity to enforce law and regulations in Ethiopia.Those who have ambitions on Geo-Politics of the horn will be obliged to revise their wrong approach towards the sovereignty of Ethiopia. It is important to stand with the truth and humanity and the necessity of starting a National and International investigation on the TPLF Massacre in Afar and Amhara regions is so crucial for the future peace and stability of Ethiopia and the Horn as a whole.
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