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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Breaking News -12 New TPLF's secret Mass graves discovered by University Researchers. The researcher's team said not less than 59 thousand Amhara ethnic are victims of the genocide.

Part of the Mass graves discovered by Gondar University
Photo- Walta Information

👉 ሽብርተኛው ህወሓት እስከ 59 ሺህ የአማራ ተወላጆች በምስጢር ገድሎ የቀበረበት የጅምላ መቃብር በጎንደር ዩንቨርስቲ ተመራማሪዎች መገኘቱን ዩንቨርስቲው አስታውቋል።

Gudayachn / ጉዳያችን 
Among the oldest Universities in East Africa, Gondar University's research team was busy for the last twelve months. The project was to find the secrete of thousands of disappeared Amhara ethnic people after being forcefully taken to Tigray province and the formerly occupied North Amhara Region of Welkayt-Tegede and Telemt since 1982. Yesterday, April 7,2022 the research team of the University disclosed its discovery of mass graves of Amhara ethnic in different locations of Welkayt-Tegede and Telemt.

The below report is the Walta Information report on the Gondar University's Researchers report. The report reads as follows: -

Researchers from the University of Gondar have discovered more mass graves of ethnic Amharas in the Welkait- Tegede and Telemt areas that were massacred by TPLF’s tyrannical administration in the areas since 1982.

According to the Amhara Region Government Communication, the University of Gondar has conducted research that revealed the massacre of ethnic Amharas during the TPLF occupation. Accordingly, a new mass grave was found in a place called HalawaWoyane and another hidden prison named Gehanem (Hell) by the researchers.

The researchers also recovered remains from some five graves after conducting intensive research on them. “The two places are very similar to Nazi prisons where large numbers of innocent Israeli were killed… It is synonymous with that. Many thousands of ethnic Amharas had been jailed and left to die,” the research group was quoted as saying.

The discovered jails had been used by TPLF forces for a long time and they used to kill and imprison large numbers of ethnic Amharas in the cells. Due to the indiscriminate killings, prisoners were forced to commit suicide whilst a number of prisoners lost lives due to hunger and disease, the researchers elaborated.

One of the survivors of the infamous Gehanem jail bitterly recalled that they were prisoned in a hole and TPLF forces allowed them to get food and water only once a day. Recalling TPLF’s atrocities in the hidden jails, another survivor highlighted that prisoners had been randomly killed brutally by forces of the criminal group.

The research group proposed to conduct further studies to identify similar cases, it was learned.

In addition to Walta Information Center's report, Gudayachn has also learnt as all Ethiopian private and government TVs including the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation reported the research team's press release from Gondar University on April 7,2022. However, some pro-terrorist TPLF western-based media attempt not to report the shocking news from the well-accredited University of Gondar was another shock among Ethiopian communities at home and abroad. Ethiopians are saying this is another evidence of the biasedness of some western-based media regarding crimes against humanity in Africa.

Video=Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation News on the University Researchers report.April 7,2022



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