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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) Filling Scenarios: Analysis of Energy and Revenue losses

Photo - Ethiopian New dam on Nile (file)
ስንቶቻችን Ethiopian International Professional Support for Abay (EIPSA) እናውቀዋለን ? በእዚሁ ድረ ገፅ ላይ ኢትዮጵያውያን ምሁራን ዶ/ር በላቸው ተስፋ እና ዶ/ር ምንትዋብ በዛብህ (Dr. Belachew Tesfa and Dr Mintwab Bezabih) የፃፉት አዲስ አርቲክል ከእዚህ በታች ተያይዟል።
The above titled article is taken from the Ethiopian International Professional Support for Abay (EIPSA). 
First of posting an article, Gudayachn would like to introduce you the professional support team. Here is the an introduction paragraph obtained from the Professional Support's page.
The Ethiopian International Professional Support for Abay (EIPSA) established on the 22, June 2013, in response to the timely need for an organized and independent professional Ethiopian voice surrounding the issue of the Nile River. The majority of the Nile River flow originates in Ethiopia and carried downstream by Blue Nile, while a much smaller portion comes from the White Nile. Both rivers meet in Khartoum to form the Nile. Despite its lion share contribution to the Nile River flow, Ethiopia has never benefited from its waters for a number of reasons. Therefore, the start of the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) virtually remains Ethiopia’s only effort in its attempt to make use of the Blue Nile waters.
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) Filling Scenarios: Analysis of Energy and Revenue losses 
By Dr Mintwab Bezabih1 and Dr Belachew Tesfa
International Journal of Nile Basin (IJNB) Energy, Water, Environment & Economic Volume 3; Issue 5; December 2019, Page 1-11
To read the whole article, please click on the below link -


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የግሪክ አቴንሱ ''ኢትዮጵያዊው'' አውርቶ አዳሪው ''ዲያቆን'' እና ከጥንትም የኢትዮጵያ ጠላት የሆነው የ''አውርቶ አደር'' ማንነት

============= የጉዳያችን ማስታወሻ ============= ከጥንትም የኢትዮጵያ ጠላት የሆነው ''አውርቶ አደር'' ማንነት  የኢትዮጵያ የታሪክ ስብራት ዋነኛዎቹ ምክንያቶች አውርቶ አደሮች ናቸ...