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Friday, February 21, 2020

Eastern part of Ethiopia, Harar christians need protection.

ጉዳያችን ሚድያ፣ኮሚኒኬሽን እና ምክር አገልግሎት 
Gudayachn Multimedia, Communication and Consultant

Abune Mekarios, Member of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo church Holy Synod and Archbishop of Ethiopian-Somali region and East Hararge, Amharic press release on January 29,2020 explained the situation in Eastern Ethiopia, Hararge. Here under is the main content of the press release.

Abune Mekarios

Abune Mekarios Press release 
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. 
Between January 19 and January 22, 2020,  Christians were physically attacked, properties of four Christians were destroyed, 17 Christians were unfairly arrested; 246 Christians are displaced from their homeland and fled to Debre Adhano St Gabriel Church in Harar after being physically attacked, robbed and received  death threats. We want all human beings to stand up for justice. Harrar is not a city that belongs to only a small group of people, but it is for all Ethiopians. 

For those who were attacked by the police that were supposed to serve everyone without prejudice, those who were arrested even after being attacked by people who are now walking free - we want you to remain strong for your sufferings shall be counted as good deeds in the eyes of the Lord. Like our forefathers passed through times of hardships by keeping their faith, we are certain that nothing will stop you from doing the same. Christianity is always about victory over challenges, not a guarantee to a temporary satisfaction. The latest attack on Christians is no different from what the wicked emperors had done against our forefathers. You undeniably have more to gain by enduring challenges like our forefathers did. 

Even though organized mobsters with irresponsible security police officers attempted to incite you to engage in violence and chaos, you remained patient and strong. By so doing, you have proved how strong Christians are, even during trying times. And be happy for what you did (for your patience and restraint).

It is not possible to live a peaceful life while publicly discriminating Christians. Bearing this in mind, we want the government to evaluate its system once again and stop these irresponsible government officials, who are attempting to advance their hate filled agenda and are attempting to impose their belief (on Christians), from committing such acts. 

The police must serve all citizens despite their background and religion and impartially, without prejudice. However, the latest attacks targeted against our church reveals that the reality on the ground is different. Since it is challenging to live a peaceful life while persecuting others (Christians), we want the government to ensure such acts (of terror) won’t happen again and to take the necessary preventive measures before it gets worse.

We request the government bring to justice the groups and individuals that are trying to incite violence between communities that are living in harmony and peace. The fact is that the perpetrators of these heinous attacks are being released, while Christians who were victims of these atrocities are still being arrested. We call for the end of such (blatant) acts.

Even though some commendable actions have been taken by the regional government which announced it has arrested the mobsters who were behind the recent attacks, such acts (arresting the innocent and releasing the perpetrators) however is nothing different from arresting Christ while releasing Barabbas. 

We were happy that the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) passed a resolution to add Ethiopian Epiphany to the list of World Intangible Cultural Heritages. On the other hand, the attempt to take over a place of religious festivals of Orthodox followers and replace it with another one is very depressing. We call for the end of such actions.  

Like other religions that celebrate their sacred festivals peacefully without being attacked, we want to urge the government to do the same to all Christians without prejudice. As long as followers of Christians are being victims to violence and attacks... we will continue demanding for the respect of our rights. We also want to make it clear that we will hold a demonstration to denounce the recent attacks soon. 

We once again denounce the acts of the regional government’s actions of arresting innocent Christians, while releasing mobsters. And, we call upon the Christian youth to be organized and defend their faith from anymore attack and collect the necessary evidence if any additional acts are committed by mobsters against churches to bring those perpetrators to justice. 

God Bless Ethiopia, God Bless the World.

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የግሪክ አቴንሱ ''ኢትዮጵያዊው'' አውርቶ አዳሪው ''ዲያቆን'' እና ከጥንትም የኢትዮጵያ ጠላት የሆነው የ''አውርቶ አደር'' ማንነት

============= የጉዳያችን ማስታወሻ ============= ከጥንትም የኢትዮጵያ ጠላት የሆነው ''አውርቶ አደር'' ማንነት  የኢትዮጵያ የታሪክ ስብራት ዋነኛዎቹ ምክንያቶች አውርቶ አደሮች ናቸ...